Hidden in the Rock
Graphic novel exhibitation
In 2024, the renowned comic artist Simon Schwartz delved into the diverse history of the Altaussee salt mine. The rescue of looted artworks from the National Socialists played a crucial role here.
Registration is absolutely necessary!
via email: or by phone at 06132/200 2400
Blog: Graphic Novels have Stories to tell
Information about the exhibitionChristmas at Altaussee Salt Mine December 25th, 2024 - January 6th, 2025
Guided tours during the Christmas holidays
25.12.2024 - 6.1.2025* daily at 5:00 p.m.
Enjoy the festive atmosphere at Altaussee Salt Mine in winter. During the Christmas holidays, tours are offered daily at 5 p.m. Until the regular season gets underway in April, even after Christmas, tours are offered every Wednesday 5 p.m. In other words, nothing stands in the way of a bit of "après-ski" deep underground.
*31.12.2024 closed
get your online-ticketsNarzissenfest x Salzwelten
Themed Tour
"Bomben auf Michelangelo"
31.05.2024 at 5.00 p.m. -
Schaustecken unserer Narzissenfigur
bei Familie Grill
Puchen 132, 8992 Altaussee
01.06.2024 starting at 2.00 p.m. -
Meet & Greet mit Sally
Triff Sally direkt beim Narzissenfest
02.06.2024 in Grundlsee